![]() Nora Unitarian Universalist Church October, 2004 October 3 – SMORGSBORD – “Breaking
the Silence” October 10 – “Stories of My Life: What I’ve
Learned in 60 Years in the Ministry” October 17 – “An Old Story for a New
Day, Part 1” October 24 – “An Old Story for a New
Day, Part 2” October 31 – “Hell? No!”
Following Don’s September sermon on the topic of growth and its challenges, there has been a great deal of interest in Michael Durall’s The Almost Church: Redefining Unitarian Universalism for a New Era. Some 15 people indicated an interest in discussing the book as an aid to growth, so we’ve ordered 20 copies. Our organizational meeting for the discussion group will be held at the church on Tuesday, October 12 at 7:00 P.M. (We will consider optional days and locations in order to accommodate as many people as possible, so we may be changing subsequent meeting dates and places.) The books are supposed to arrive no later than October 8, so they can be picked up at church on the 10th or at your convenience. We’ll just cover the introduction on the first night, so you may also wait until then to get a copy. The cost is $10.00 and checks can be made out to Nora UU Church. Please consider joining Don and others for what should be an insightful look into UUism and its future.
About once a quarter (unless needed more often) Don will facilitate an exploration of UUism and Nora Church. The sessions are open to all, no matter your length of time as a UU. The first session will be held after church on October 24th. Please bring a sack lunch. We should be done no later than 1:30.) See you there!
Don will be taking Mondays as his day off, and Fridays for sermon writing. (In the event of an emergency, don’t hesitate to call at anytime.) If you’d like to make an appointment with him, feel free to call the parsonage or his cell number.
The Board of Trustees met on September 11th to organize for the year. An important part of that meeting was to set the board’s goals for the year. We based these goals on the mission statement that was developed last year over several Sundays. This is just part of the value of a mission statement, it’s ability to help the board, and the various teams to focus on what the congregation has said is important about Nora. The mission statement is also important because it gives us a positive description of what we do at Nora. Instead of saying, “we don’t make you believe in this or that,” we can use the mission statement as a guide to talk about the positive aspects of Nora. When we meet for a congregational meeting on October 17th, we will do so for the purpose of officially adopting our mission statement. This is more than just a formality, it is a guide for us into the future of Nora. The goals identified were:
The board is exploring a better sound system for the church and to accommodate Rev. Rollins, who will be taking the second Sunday in the month as his free day, the board changed its regular meeting time to the third Sunday of the month.
The Board of Trustees of Nora Church have called a special congregational meeting following the October 17, 2004, service to take action on the proposed mission statement developed last spring after the congregation worked with Rev. Mark Yackel-Juleen. The proposed statement is: Gathered in an inspirational, hilltop setting,
The NWS will meet at 11:30 AM on Wednesday, October 13th, at Orchard Hills, 1220 Karl Drive (near Cash Wise), in New Ulm, for a tour and luncheon at the facility. The cost of the luncheon is $5, and reservations are needed. Please let Carol Chambard know by October 10th, if you plan to attend.
Those fun-loving Lunch-Bunchers have decided to hold their next lunch meeting at Jackpot Junction at 12:00 Noon on Tuesday, October 5th. It is suggested that those wishing to attend make arrangements to carpool.
Our condolences to the family of James Darling, age 53, who died while sandbagging during the recent flooding in Austin. Jim and his family, wife Lisa and children Margaret, William and Henry, attended Nora Church in the early 1990s before moving to Austin.
We had three RE Sundays. Several people are responsible for helping us all get off to a good start. THANK YOU’s go out to Joy Rathman, Julie Sellner, and Kristi Bodick for cleaning out the closet downstairs. It looks great! To Julie Peck for purchasing all of the supplies for the program. It was great to walk in on Sunday and see everything in the boxes. And finally to Julie Peck, Brenda Wiger, Julie Sellner, Kristy Paulson, Joy Rathman, and Chrissy Schmitt for helping with Sunday School classes this first month. You should have received an RE Opportunities for All sheet in the September newsletter. Please take the time to consider how you may contribute your time and talents to the Nora youth, and talk with Anne about how you would like to help. If you have signed up to help with RE, please check your e-mail. Anne will be e-mailing the people who will be teaching and/or helping with RE. Lesson plans will be sent via e-mail, and specific lesson materials will be in each group’s box. LOOKING AHEAD: It has been suggested that we try a Wednesday or Saturday RE activity with the kids. Don will be included in this activity time. It will provide Don and the kids with opportunities to get to know each other better. We will meet Wednesday, Oct.13th from 6:30 to 7:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall. We will be making Autumn gifts to take to the residents at the Madelia Nursing home on Halloween. The Riekes will provide a snack and beverage, Don will provide some music, and we will all have some fun. Since we are meeting on Wednesday, there will not be Sunday school the following Sunday, Oct. 17th. The kids are invited to join the rest of the congregation in church that day. There will be someone to watch the youngest children in the nursery. We will try this format and see how it goes. As always, your opinions and comments are appreciated. On Halloween we will be trick or treating at the Madelia Nursing Home from 10:30 to 11:00 AM. Please wear your costumes and bring your trick or treat bags. We will leave the church at 10:15, so please arrive before then. After we have given the residents some Autumn gifts and gone trick or treating, we will return to the Fellowship Hall for some Halloween refreshments. If anyone is interested in contributing or supplying the Halloween refreshments, please talk with Anne. Thank you!!!
CONGRATULATIONS and best wishes to Kate Beckius and Jason Monnens who were married at Nora Church on Sept. 18th. They are residing in St. James. An informal gathering was held at the Wally Wellmann home to celebrate the arrival of our new minister, Don Rollins, as well as a return visit by former minister Paul Johnson, his wife Carol Rowan and daughter Kristen. Laura (Olofson), Robert and Kyle Filby visited the church and others in the area during July. Laura’s father, Terry Olofson, was minister of the Nora Church until his untimely death in 1989. A sincere THANK YOU to friends and members of Nora Church who remembered Wally and B. Jean Wellmann on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary.
Just a reminder that SMORGASBORD, our big fall festival
and fund-raiser, is on Sunday, October 3rd. Many people are busy planning,
baking and preparing items
for the Country Store to ensure the success of this event. But in addition to
the work, it is also a time for fun and fellowship as we pay homage to the Norwegian
heritage of Nora Church. Thanks for all the effort, and let’s hope for good