- June -

June Calendar


Guest Speaker: Sana del Corazón

“The Inward Journey: A Conversation with Howard Thurman”

Sana del Corazón (she/they) is the queer daughter of Puerto Rican migrants who grew up Pentecostal (Assemblies of God) in Philadelphia, PA. Sana recently graduated from United Theological Seminary in the Twin Cities with a Master’s in Divinity. She is a trained clinical social worker, spiritual director/companion, life coach, writer, community organizer, PTO president, perpetual student and lover of life.

Sana wants to help build progressive faith communities that radically welcome and center LGBTQ+ people of color and other folks on the margins of society. She is interested in the evolution of the church and the intersection of racial justice, queer theology, trauma-informed ministry, reconciliation, and the beloved community.

They are currently working on their Master’s thesis on Howard Thurman and his concept of the “common ground.” She, her spouse Gina, their young child, and cat Pickles and dog Charlie reside in South Minneapolis.

Potluck will follow.

10:30 Service
11:30 Potluck Lunch

Enjoy a beautiful summer break and watch the Grapevine for updates!

Regular Services Resume in September.